Client Guide to
Interactive Report Design

Enhance your annual reports with interactivity using this guide. As technology continues to evolve, so do the ways in which we present information. Creating interactive documents has become increasingly popular allowing users to engage with information in a more immersive way, making the content easier to digest and retain. In this article, we will explore the different types of interactivity that can be included in a PDF report and why interactive document design is so useful, especially for long annual reports.

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1. Types of interactivity in PDF reports


Hyperlinks are one of the most basic forms of interactivity in PDF reports. They allow the user to click on a link and be taken to another section of the report, a webpage, or a file. Hyperlinks are useful for directing the reader to additional resources or related content within the report.


Buttons are a more interactive way to navigate through a report. They can be used to jump to specific sections or to reveal additional content. For example, a button could be used to reveal a chart or graph that is hidden within the report until the user clicks the button.

Dropdown Menus

Dropdown menus allow the user to choose from a list of options to access specific information within the report. This type of interactivity is particularly useful for longer reports where the user may want to jump to specific sections quickly.

Interactive Charts and Graphs

Charts and graphs can be made interactive by allowing the user to hover over data points to reveal additional information or to zoom in for a closer look. This type of interactivity is particularly useful for reports that contain large amounts of data.

Video and Audio Content

Including video or audio content within a PDF report can make the content more engaging and dynamic. This type of interactivity is particularly useful for reports that contain interviews, product demonstrations, or other types of multimedia content.

Report Design Agency Spread & Layout Designs

2. Why Interactive Document Design is Useful

Improves User Experience

Interactive PDF design can greatly improve the user experience by making it easier to navigate through a long report and access specific information. This can help to keep the reader engaged and interested in the content.

Makes Data Easier to Understand

Interactive charts and graphs can help to make complex data easier to understand by allowing the user to interact with the data and see different perspectives. This can help to improve the reader’s understanding of the information and make it more memorable.

Increases Engagement

Interactive annual report design can increase engagement with the content by making it more interesting and interactive. This can help to keep the reader engaged for longer periods of time and increase the chances that they will read the report in its entirety.

Working with Interactive Designers

Interactive PDF design requires a different skill set than traditional report design. Annual report designers who are not familiar with interactive design may want to work with interactive designers to ensure that their reports are designed to maximise engagement and interactivity.

In conclusion, interactive annual report design can greatly improve the user experience and make complex data easier to understand. There are many different types of interactivity that can be included in a PDF report, including hyperlinks, buttons, dropdown menus, interactive charts and graphs, and video and audio content. By working with interactive designers, annual report designers can ensure that their reports are designed to maximise engagement and interactivity, making them more interesting and memorable for readers.

Report Design Agency Spread & Layout Designs

3. Benefits of Interactive Design for User Accessibility

As the world becomes more digital, it’s important to consider how user accessibility can be improved through interactive design. Interactive reports provide an engaging experience for the reader and can be customised to suit different levels of user ability. In this article, we will explore how interactive report design can improve user accessibility, and how it can be implemented to make sure everyone can access and understand the content.



Interactive annual report design allows the user to personalise their experience by choosing the content that is relevant to them. For example, dropdown menus can be used to filter data by category, location or time period. This personalisation can help users to access information that is more relevant to their needs.

Assistive Technologies

Interactive PDF design can also be optimised for assistive technologies. Features such as alt-text, which is a short description of an image that is read aloud by a screen reader, can be added to make the report accessible to those with visual impairments. Interactive design also allows for keyboard navigation, which is essential for those who have difficulty using a mouse.

Clear and Concise Information

Interactive design allows for the creation of clear and concise information, which is crucial for those with cognitive or learning disabilities. By using visual aids such as infographics, interactive charts and graphs, or videos, information can be presented in a way that is easy to understand and digest.

Engaging Experience

Interactive annual report design also provides an engaging experience for the reader, which can improve user accessibility for those who may find traditional report design boring or difficult to navigate. By providing interactive elements, such as clickable links, interactive maps, or videos, users are more likely to engage with the content.


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4. Best practice interactivity design for user accessibility

Use Clear and Concise Language

When creating an interactive report, it’s important to use clear and concise language that is easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be difficult for some users to comprehend.

Ensure Keyboard Navigation

Keyboard navigation is essential for those who have difficulty using a mouse. Ensure that all interactive elements can be accessed using keyboard navigation, and that the report is optimised for screen readers.

Use Appropriate Visual Aids

Visual aids can help to make information more accessible and engaging. Consider using infographics, interactive charts and graphs, and videos to help convey information in a clear and concise way.

Test with Users

Before releasing an interactive report, it’s important to test it with users who have different levels of ability. This can help to identify any accessibility issues and ensure that the report is optimised for all users.

Interactive annual report design can greatly improve user accessibility by providing personalisation, assistive technologies, clear and concise information, and an engaging experience. When implementing interactive design, it’s important to use clear and concise language, ensure keyboard navigation, use appropriate visual aids, and test with users. By doing so, designers can ensure that their reports are accessible to all users, regardless of their level of ability.

5. Limitations to interactive PDF report design

When creating an interactive PDF report, there are some design limitations that should be taken into consideration. While interactive design provides many benefits, there are some limitations that designers should be aware of. In this article, we will explore the design limitations of producing an interactive PDF report and how to work around them.

File Size

One of the main limitations of interactive PDF report design is file size. The more interactive elements that are included in the report, such as videos or high-quality images, the larger the file size will be. This can make the report difficult to download or view on devices with limited storage capacity.


Interactive PDF reports may not be compatible with all devices or software. Some users may have difficulty accessing or viewing the report if their device or software is not compatible with the interactive elements. It’s important to consider compatibility when designing the report and ensure that it is optimised for a variety of devices and software.

Limited Interactivity

While interactive PDF reports provide a higher level of interactivity than traditional reports, there are still limitations to what can be done. For example, interactive PDF reports cannot be fully animated like a website. This means that some interactive elements may be limited in their functionality or may not be as engaging as they would be on a website.

Design Constraints

Interactive PDF reports have some design constraints that designers should be aware of. For example, interactive elements such as buttons or links must be placed in a way that is easy to access and use. This can limit the overall design of the report and may require additional design considerations.


Working with interactive report design limitations

Optimise File Size

To work around the file size limitation, designers can optimise images and videos for web use, compress the PDF, or break the report up into smaller sections. This can make the report easier to download and view on devices with limited storage capacity.

Test Compatibility

To ensure compatibility, designers should test the report on a variety of devices and software before releasing it. This can help to identify any compatibility issues and ensure that the report is accessible to all users.

Use Interactive Elements Wisely

Designers should use interactive elements wisely and ensure that they are relevant and engaging. This can help to maximise the impact of the interactive elements and ensure that they are effective in conveying information.

Design for User Experience

Designers should focus on designing for user experience and ensure that the report is easy to use and navigate. This can help to ensure that the interactive elements are accessible and engaging for all users.


Interactive PDF reports provide many benefits, but there are some design limitations that should be taken into consideration. These limitations include file size, compatibility, limited interactivity, and design constraints. To work around these limitations, designers can optimise file size, test compatibility, use interactive elements wisely, and design for user experience. By doing so, designers can create interactive PDF reports that are accessible, engaging, and effective in conveying information.

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